Senin, 30 November 2009


Telah beredar sebuah obat baru yang bernama "Progesterex" (you may check the internet for the availability) . Obat ini adalah pil kecil yang digunakan untuk mensterilisasi. Obat ini sekarang dipakai oleh para pemerkosa pada perayaan pesta, Pub, Discotique untuk memperkosa dan mensterilisasi korbannya. Progesterex pada dasarnya dijual pada beberapa dokter hewan dan toko binatang, dan digunakan untuk mensterilkan hewan besar. Obat biasanya digunakan bersamaan dengan Rohypnol (Roofies) semacam obat bius pembeliannya harus menggunakan resep dokter (tahu sendiri dinegara yg tercinta" Indonesia , you have money you can buy almost everything). Rohypnol ini semacam effervescent tablet yang cepat larut didalam air. Pelaku hanya tinggal memasukan Rohypnol dan Progesterex kedalam minuman mereka berdua dan Korban tidak akan pernah ingat apa yang telah terjadi pada malam/pagi/siang/ sore itu dan Progesterex akan membuat si wanita TIDAK AKAN HAMIL, sehingga si pemerkosa akan tetap bebas berkeliaran without worry about having apaternity test indentifying him beberapa bulan kemudian. Tetapi yang perlu diperhatikan, EFFECT PROGESTEREX TIDAK SEMENTARA. Progester ex dibuat untuk mensterilkan kuda,jerapah dan binatang besar lainnya. Setiap wanita yang telah meminumnyaTIDAK AKAN PERNAH MENGANDUNG LAGI SEUMUR HIDUPNYA. Jadi BERHATI-HATILAH bila pergi ke PUB atau CAFE atau dimanapun anda berada dan jangan menerima minum dari sembarang pria yang tidak anda kenal dengan baik. Believe it or not, there is even a site on the internet for the drug, telling people how to use it.
Tolong, teruskan Email ini kepada setiap Perempuan yang anda kenal!!!!.

3 komentar:

  1. mengerikan sekali, sepertinya para wanita harus berhati-hati dalam bergaul, sebaiknya bergaulah dengan orang-orang yang beriman..

    keep writing good information.

  2. Some of you probably received a few e-mails about a new date rape drug in rotation known as Progesterex. Progesterex tags along with Rohypnol (a.k.a roofies) and is slipped in the drink by shady figures found at nightlife venues who are crafty enough to slip not one, but two substances in an unsuspecting girl’s drink. The victim blacks out, gets taken away and taken advantage of. She then comes to, not only clueless to the previous night’s events but also becoming sterile for the rest of her life. Progesterex is supposedly intended for use by Veterinarians to carry out Bob Barker’s vision of controlling the pet population. But according to the emails, it’s found a niche in the black market to help carry out the vision of controlling the child support paying population. At this point in time there are many different versions of this e-mail each with their own testimonials and warnings telling you to watch out for college towns, frat parties, guys who happen to know any friends from animal hospitals and people at clubs who can do magic tricks with their hands (you don’t want to know what they have up their sleeve).

    The most important thing to know about Progesterex is that like the many other articles that end with “send this to 10 people or else you’ll never have babies again!” it’s a hoax
    But just because Progesterex doesn’t exist, doesn’t mean it’s always going to be safe to swallow. The threat of Rohypnol and GHB is still prevalent in the nightlife scene. All it takes is a little of each or either to force your body to allow even the Larriest of David’s to make moves on you like Pharrell. Creeps still lurk the scene and can use either one of these chemicals with great simplicity making it a performance-enhancing drug for their game. You’ll awaken hung-over, unable to remember the last night and in my case in need of a very skilled lawyer to get that tiny wedding band off my fat finger.
    Rohypnol is a benzodiazepine that comes in caplet form. It can be dissolved in drinks and has a rapid onset. Once it’s ingested, the subject will experience anterograde amnesia, drowsiness, hallucinations, dizziness, and confusion. It’s available on the black market for about $5-$15 a tablet.

    However, the bigger threat is GHB. GHB comes in a clear liquid and a standard dose is 1-3 grams dependant upon weight. It’s hard to tell how much GHB someone’s body can handle so the drug can be abused and overdosed. Originally made in the 1980's as an anesthetic, body-builders use it for fat reduction and muscle building. It’s also now used recreationally for its ability to produce hallucinations, drowsiness, increased erection, enhanced sensitivity to touch and increased orgasm – with no hangover the next morning. But doing something as easy as doubling the dose, can knock you out fast…for hours.

    If you don’t desire either of these chemicals in your drink, then do what you can to prevent it. The safest thing is to go out with someone you trust. But if you’re with someone you just met, then make sure there are people around that you know. The easiest way to get date-raped, is if the offender has complete home-court advantage. You’d be no different than the girl in the Thriller video staring at the eyes of the drooling undead.

    A few drink-defense devices are available for order. Some of these include The Drink Detective which involves a droplet sampling onto a pocket card. Another product is a Spikey , however it looks like the girl in the product video was saved more by a very vigilant bouncer rather than the product itself.

    Just watch yourself and watch your drink. If things look a little shady, there’s nothing wrong with being extra careful. Keep your cell-phone charged and if you think that something may have slipped in your drink, then seek immediate medical attention. With or without the threat of date rape, it’s important to know where you’re going, where the date is going and what to expect. And if you trip up, make sure someone is around that has your back.

  3. ini hoax (berita boong) plis dehh..
